Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Assignment 11 Night Photography

Go outside between dusk and dawn using whatever existing light is available recognizing its color and mood, make a photograph that is surprising by what it reveals.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Assignment 10 Light Painting

1. Make a photograph using flash as a painting tool.

2. Make a photograph using a continuous light source as a
painting too.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Assignment 9 Dedicated Flash Canon System

Use direct flash on camera Priority setting

Use direct flash off camera Priority setting

Use flash fill Aperture Priority

Use flash with modifier (Grid) Priority setting.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1. Make a portrait where the person’s face and the background are the same exposure.

2. Make a portrait where the person’s face is exposed one stop under and the background is normally exposed.  Drop the power of the strobe by one stop keeping the f stop the same.

3. Make a portrait where the person’s face is normally exposed and the background is one stop under.

4. Make a portrait where the person’s face is normally exposed and the background is two stops under.