Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Assignment 3 One Light

I created two images communicating an emotion of the subject. The top image is intended to convey a calm and relaxed emotion within the subject, while the bottom image intends to express a tense mood of the subject. The laws of light that can be seen in these two images are the law that light travels in a straight line as well as the inverse square law. Light traveling in a straight line is evident in the first image, of the relaxed subject, because the light traveling from the top right portion of the image is traveling in a straight line and therefore blocked by the subject creating a shadow on the left side of the image, underneath her face and on the side of her arm. In the lower image, of the tense subject, the inverse square law is demonstrated through the decrease of intensity as the light continues up the subject’s face to the top of the image and away from the light source, which was below and front of the subject.